Roasted Balsamic Boodles
“Bears, beets…Battle-Star Galactica!” -Jim impersonating Dwight, from the Office
Maybe you don’t know how to cook beets in a way that’s palatable. Most people don’t. Spiralizing will not only change the texture of this nutrient packed root, but it will dramatically change the way you can prepare it as well.
Beet + Noodles = Boodles
Boodles can be enjoyed raw in a salad, tossed with lemon/lime juice, or baked. Baking root vegetables allows their sweet and savory side to come out, as heat begins to caramelize the starches and protein, making baked beets naturally sweet.
Add a pinch of salt, and viola! Sweet, salty, and nutrient dense!
Nutrients in beets:
B vitamins galore, including folate (great for you pregnant ladies).
Potassium, for healthy function of your nerves and muscles.
Fiber, that helps keep you regular and feeds your gut microbiota.
Vitamin C to support the production of collagen and boosts your immune system.
Manganese which supports a healthy liver, kidney, pancreas and bones.
Rich in minerals.
What do those nutrients do?
Boost stamina
Lower blood pressure
Reduce inflammation (great for those with arthritis)
Help detoxify the liver
Boost energy
Raw beets have a higher amount of nutrients when compared to cooked beets, as cooking vegetables can disrupt vitamins like vitamin C and certain B vitamins when heated to a temperature above 150 F.
However, some food’s nutrients are increased when you cook them. Find out which vitamins can withstand different cooking methods here.
Now that you know a little bit about beets, here is a delicious recipe that even your household food critics will love.
Roasted Balsamic Boodles
2 large beets, spiralized using the 5-mm blade
1 ½-2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Grated orange zest
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 425 °F
In a large bowl, toss beet noodles in olive oil and vinegar.
Spread beets onto a baking sheet in an even layer.
Place in the oven for 10 minutes, then take them out, add salt and pepper to taste, mixing thoroughly, and place back in the oven for another 10 minutes.
After 20 minutes of total cook time, your boodles should be tender.
As a garnish and pop of flavor, toss parsley and orange zest over your bootles.
Serve and enjoy!