Why Coaching Works

Hello all,

Welcome to my blog. If you haven’t read the “The Gnarly Journey” on my main page, you should! If you did, you know why I have decided to pursue Healthy Lifestyles Coaching as a career and what it is about.

Why You Should Give Health Coaching a Chance

Photo by Irene Yee

Photo by Irene Yee

Odds are, you haven’t heard of healthy lifestyles coaching, and it sounds corny. To be honest, when I first found healthy lifestyles coaching as a major, I thought it sounded ridiculous. After my initial judgement, I read further into the pillars of healthy lifestyles coaching. Healthy lifestyles coaching is deeply rooted in behavior change theory, (which is why I can call myself a behavior change expert).

Why Being Told What to Do Doesn’t Work

Typically people don’t struggle with knowing what to do to have “better” health. People who are exhausted due to lack of sleep know they should be sleeping more. People who have gained weight, and binge eat every night, know they shouldn’t be binging. People that never strength train and feel weak, know they should be strength training to get stronger. Knowing what the problem is, doesn’t motivate people to change. In the same way, being told what to do will not automatically yield results. Eventually people slip back into old habits because they forget their motivations to change, or have never created a plan to overcome the barriers in changing a behavior.

Why Meeting with a Health Coach Works

The struggle then, is with motivation, the “why”. What is your motivation for change? What strengths do you have that can help you break through barriers? These are all things we discuss in health coaching, I use positive psychology concepts and motivational interviewing to help you dream, discover, and articulate a tangible plan to achieve your optimal wellness. We co-create a plan that will guide you to your end goal; your wellness vision.

“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” -Michelangelo

You are a piece of art. It is my job as a health coach to pull dreams, motivations, passions, successes, strengths, and purpose from you in a discovery process to help you create your own unique style of healthy living. Healthy lifestyles coaching has been proven to work for the long haul. Why? It’s not a diet. It’s not a prescription. It’s an active story that you are authoring, with nudging and guiding from me. I provide resources and expertise in my credentialed areas (Personal training, women’s specific fitness, cardio for sports performance, nutrition) and have a list of references for areas I do not hold certificates in.

Coaching is a process, and that is why I ask you to commit to 3 months. Life happens. Your job, relationships, location, or daily schedule may change. We adjust your weekly experiments accordingly to ensure success, and build habits that will ultimately lead to success, no matter what is going on in your life.

Sound interesting to you? Send me a message! I would love to meet with you and answer any questions you may have.