Is FOGS keeping you from achieving your goals?
FOGS: Fear of Getting Swoll
Sounds like a joke (and mostly is), but I’ve had so many women make comments about not wanting to eat properly, or train certain areas of their body, or they don’t want to lift heavier for fear of getting swoll or looking like a guy.
Women. This is a huge problem, and no, we cannot simply blame the patriarchy. I have heard more body comments from women, about other women, than what I hear from men.
“Oh yeah, she is super fit! But I would never want biceps that big .”
“She might be fast but she is skinny fat.”
“She is pretty but wears a lot of makeup.”
“I think it’s awesome she is confident in her body, but I would never wear a crop top of I had her stomach.”
If you’re one of these women, then I have a empathetic message for you.
So when women approach me with comments like being “too ___.” There is an underlying fear there.
And you’re going to have to take off your mask for this one.
The fear is one of abandonment.
If you do look too masculine, big, not feminine enough,are too high maintenance , wear too much makeup, you will not be worthy of love and acceptance. You won’t get picked or chosen. You will be lonely unless you try and “keep up”.
Let me tell you right now, you are worthy of love no matter how you physically show up in the world.
Stop letting this fear control your potential. You are SO much more than just your body
The thin ideal is very real, but real body campaigns and images have recently been flooding our country, which I love!
But it’s still not enough, change starts with each one of us as women, sticking together and building each other up.
Don’t play small.
If you find yourself struggling with any of this feel free to reach out. These are topics I cover in coaching if need be, and I have a ton of resources.